Now incorporating 112 Review, Community Safety Review & Military Review
Fragility of the power grid
by Michael Smith
The catastrophic failure of only two electricity generating plants in Britain, including the nuclear power station “Sizewell II”, in May 2008 should really have brought home to all and sundry but at least and especially to those in power that something must be done to protect the people and the country's infrastructure from such an event ever occurring again.
While I do know that there will always be the possibility of a fluke incident, as this may just have been one of, this, however, proves how extremely vulnerable we are in this country – and probably not just in this country alone – due to our highly centralized electricity generating industry.
Also to a degree the fact that most of our utility companies are foreign owned, and one is hard pressed to find one that is still a British one. Even “nPower” whose agents keep claiming that they are a green company and wholly British is foreign owned, namely by RWE of Germany.
The majority of our power stations are huge, not to say, gigantic, and far, far away from where people live and the power is actually consumed.
They, as individual stations, supply millions of households, as well as businesses, hospitals, schools, and so on.
The total failure of already only one of those can cause severe problems and also put a strain then of gigantic proportions onto the national electricity grid. If more than one station goes out then we are getting into serious trouble already and the power will, probably, go out to tens of thousands of homes, businesses and other places and this, obviously, can have rather serious impact on so many things. In some cases such failures can cause loss of life.
Fritz Schumacher in his books “Small is beautiful” suggested the things that we are, I know, finally coming to, namely localized power generating plants and people thought him crazy in those days of the 1960s when everything that was being build in that department had to be ever bigger and hence further away from the actual electricity consumer. And the fact that those stations then supply thousands upon thousands of homes, businesses, offices, and other establishment has then tremendous negative implications in the even of a failure.
Local power generating plants, as once advocated by F Schumacher and others, myself included, are now, finally, being looked at and they also make sense not just in the supply issue and the issue of a failure of the huge power stations.
Locally generated electricity can be of a lower voltage rating than that which is being generated far away and needs to travel a long distance. The power loss over the long distance in the cables is being compensated for by the extreme high voltages with which the electricity is leaving the power stations, in many cases those are 20,000 volts and more.
In order to generate that amount we waste a lot of resources and locally generated electricity would be better for everyone and here we could work on less than 1,000 volts and more than likely even directly at commercial and domestic current.
Both the environmental aspect of small local power plants and the savings in resources are important on the level of protecting the national infrastructure as well as the environment. Thus local CHP facilities, for instance, would kill two birds with one stone and also that many of those could be powered, say, by methane from sewerage plants or from waste wood and thus reduce the impact and also our reliance on oil and gas.
The fact is that those large power stations are not as economical as they once were tauted to be for they do waste a lot of resources in the production of the very high current that is required in order to transport the power over the long distance that it has to travel to its final destination, the end-consumer, to you and me at home, to our offices, factories, schools and hospitals, and everywhere else.
While the UK currently still produces oil and natural gas and is even a seller of same on the world market in the not so distant future Britain will have to become, once again, a net importer of oil and gas and then we are at the mercy of the likes of the Russian Federation and other such states and can be held to ransom over gas and oil supplies.
Smaller power stations, and here ideally local area CHPs, can go a long way towards this country's self-reliance as far as electricity is concerned, especially as other fuels can be employed here, as already indicated.
This would be good, as said, as regards the protection of the environment and the protection of the infrastructure of the nation.
© M Smith (Veshengro), February 2009
The catastrophic failure of only two electricity generating plants in Britain, including the nuclear power station “Sizewell II”, in May 2008 should really have brought home to all and sundry but at least and especially to those in power that something must be done to protect the people and the country's infrastructure from such an event ever occurring again.
While I do know that there will always be the possibility of a fluke incident, as this may just have been one of, this, however, proves how extremely vulnerable we are in this country – and probably not just in this country alone – due to our highly centralized electricity generating industry.
Also to a degree the fact that most of our utility companies are foreign owned, and one is hard pressed to find one that is still a British one. Even “nPower” whose agents keep claiming that they are a green company and wholly British is foreign owned, namely by RWE of Germany.
The majority of our power stations are huge, not to say, gigantic, and far, far away from where people live and the power is actually consumed.
They, as individual stations, supply millions of households, as well as businesses, hospitals, schools, and so on.
The total failure of already only one of those can cause severe problems and also put a strain then of gigantic proportions onto the national electricity grid. If more than one station goes out then we are getting into serious trouble already and the power will, probably, go out to tens of thousands of homes, businesses and other places and this, obviously, can have rather serious impact on so many things. In some cases such failures can cause loss of life.
Fritz Schumacher in his books “Small is beautiful” suggested the things that we are, I know, finally coming to, namely localized power generating plants and people thought him crazy in those days of the 1960s when everything that was being build in that department had to be ever bigger and hence further away from the actual electricity consumer. And the fact that those stations then supply thousands upon thousands of homes, businesses, offices, and other establishment has then tremendous negative implications in the even of a failure.
Local power generating plants, as once advocated by F Schumacher and others, myself included, are now, finally, being looked at and they also make sense not just in the supply issue and the issue of a failure of the huge power stations.
Locally generated electricity can be of a lower voltage rating than that which is being generated far away and needs to travel a long distance. The power loss over the long distance in the cables is being compensated for by the extreme high voltages with which the electricity is leaving the power stations, in many cases those are 20,000 volts and more.
In order to generate that amount we waste a lot of resources and locally generated electricity would be better for everyone and here we could work on less than 1,000 volts and more than likely even directly at commercial and domestic current.
Both the environmental aspect of small local power plants and the savings in resources are important on the level of protecting the national infrastructure as well as the environment. Thus local CHP facilities, for instance, would kill two birds with one stone and also that many of those could be powered, say, by methane from sewerage plants or from waste wood and thus reduce the impact and also our reliance on oil and gas.
The fact is that those large power stations are not as economical as they once were tauted to be for they do waste a lot of resources in the production of the very high current that is required in order to transport the power over the long distance that it has to travel to its final destination, the end-consumer, to you and me at home, to our offices, factories, schools and hospitals, and everywhere else.
While the UK currently still produces oil and natural gas and is even a seller of same on the world market in the not so distant future Britain will have to become, once again, a net importer of oil and gas and then we are at the mercy of the likes of the Russian Federation and other such states and can be held to ransom over gas and oil supplies.
Smaller power stations, and here ideally local area CHPs, can go a long way towards this country's self-reliance as far as electricity is concerned, especially as other fuels can be employed here, as already indicated.
This would be good, as said, as regards the protection of the environment and the protection of the infrastructure of the nation.
© M Smith (Veshengro), February 2009
Pandering to Muslim radicals yet again!
A sad day for Britain
by Michael Smith
Denying entry to the UK by the Dutch MP is political correctness gone mad and is probably against the European laws that Britain has signed, as well.
Pandering to Muslim radicals is NOT going to help the so-called “war on terror” because by doing what was done again on Thursday, February 12, 2009n at Heathrow Airport on orders of the British Home Secretary is in fact allowing the Islamist terrorists to win.
While Britain seems to be unable rid itself of hate speech Islamic preachers, some of which have been jailed for a variety of reasons, anyone, however, wishing to speak up against the violent Islam – and no, it is not a religion of peace – far from it – are being forbidden to do so an are silenced.
Freedom of Speech, however, in Britain, and that is what the majority of British subjects do not understand, is, in fact not a freedom at all and not a right but a granted privilege, as one Home Secretary has stated in public, and can be removed as and when the regime of the UK will feel like.
Why is it that Muslim radicals can scream hate and murder against Jews – though the Zionist have a lot to answer for that themselves – and Christians but when others speak out against Islam they are not permitted to even if they speak the truth.
You cannot win the “war on terror” by being afraid of what those Muslim radicals will do if they may feel offended by what someone may say about Islam. The Christian faith is not protected in such a way in the UK, though according to the statute book there is a “Blasphemy Law”, which is only relevant to the Christian faith but whatever is thrown towards the Christians nothbing ever happens. It appear to be one law for the Muslims and one for others.
The British government is pandering to the Muslims and this is giving victory to the enemies of that country and the enemies of the West per se.
The score, for the record is, Muslim terrorists ONE, British government NIL. And this is going to get worse the more we pander to radical Islam.
Maybe if members of the government had actually taken a look at the film by the Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders and listened to the speeches by those preachers captured on film where Muslims are called upon top take over the USA, Britain, and Europe and turn all those countries into Islamic states with Sharia Law by force they might have understood what is happening rather than listening to the so-called moderate Muslims who may also but be agents of this kind of Islam – who knows.
The radical Muslims that want to turn Britain into an Islamic theocracy with Sharia Law should be told in the same uncertain terms as the former Australian Prime Minister told the Muslims in that country, namely that no one asked them to live here, in a predominately Christian country and if it does not suit them they are free to leave to countries that are governed by Sharia Law. No one is stopping them from doing so. However, while they are in this country and while they have the right to follow their religion – to an extent, and this country has already gone too far in accommodating them – they do not have the right never to be offended.
If they have a problem with Christmas or such like then that is their problem and, as said, they are free to leave. If they wish to advocate a violent overthrow of the countries of the West then I am sure we can find an answer to that and that is to be shot on sight.
Terrorism is not fought by pandering to their followers; it can only be overcome by getting rid of the cancer. The very safety and security of this country and our civilization is at stake.,
The safety and the security of the British Realm was not under threat from Mr. Wilders comin g to the U but by the very acts of stopping him entering the country and allowing him to make his point against Islamo-Fascism.
This kind of world view as espoused by those Muslim hate-mongers in the garb of Mullahs and Imams is nothing but another form of Fascism and as dangerous as was that of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini and Mosley, or the imperialism of Japan in the 1940s. In those days the countries rose up and fought against the onslaught. Nowadays everyone seems afraid and wants, yet again, appeasement, in the same way as before the Nazis began their real sweep across Europe, which nearly caused the fall of Britain too.
If we do not stand up to the threat and are prepared to combat it with the same resolute spirit that John Howard of Australia portrayed when he told those people where to get off then we will be made to regret that soon when we find ourselves all of a sudden under Islamic rule, by the back door, and before that totally paralyzed by fear of possibly offending the Muslim minority in this country.
No one ever worries about offending the Romani minority, for instance, and all told their might be more people of Romani-Gypsy descent in Britain than there are Muslims. But dare anyone mention anything against Islam and the Koran. Twenty years ago things were different when Salman Rushdie was wrote the “Satanic Verses” and received round the clock protection and all that. Freedom of speech they said then. How things have changed.
As I said before, the safety and security of our society and of each and every one is at stake here and our freedoms.
© M Smith (Veshengro), February 2009
by Michael Smith
Denying entry to the UK by the Dutch MP is political correctness gone mad and is probably against the European laws that Britain has signed, as well.
Pandering to Muslim radicals is NOT going to help the so-called “war on terror” because by doing what was done again on Thursday, February 12, 2009n at Heathrow Airport on orders of the British Home Secretary is in fact allowing the Islamist terrorists to win.
While Britain seems to be unable rid itself of hate speech Islamic preachers, some of which have been jailed for a variety of reasons, anyone, however, wishing to speak up against the violent Islam – and no, it is not a religion of peace – far from it – are being forbidden to do so an are silenced.
Freedom of Speech, however, in Britain, and that is what the majority of British subjects do not understand, is, in fact not a freedom at all and not a right but a granted privilege, as one Home Secretary has stated in public, and can be removed as and when the regime of the UK will feel like.
Why is it that Muslim radicals can scream hate and murder against Jews – though the Zionist have a lot to answer for that themselves – and Christians but when others speak out against Islam they are not permitted to even if they speak the truth.
You cannot win the “war on terror” by being afraid of what those Muslim radicals will do if they may feel offended by what someone may say about Islam. The Christian faith is not protected in such a way in the UK, though according to the statute book there is a “Blasphemy Law”, which is only relevant to the Christian faith but whatever is thrown towards the Christians nothbing ever happens. It appear to be one law for the Muslims and one for others.
The British government is pandering to the Muslims and this is giving victory to the enemies of that country and the enemies of the West per se.
The score, for the record is, Muslim terrorists ONE, British government NIL. And this is going to get worse the more we pander to radical Islam.
Maybe if members of the government had actually taken a look at the film by the Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders and listened to the speeches by those preachers captured on film where Muslims are called upon top take over the USA, Britain, and Europe and turn all those countries into Islamic states with Sharia Law by force they might have understood what is happening rather than listening to the so-called moderate Muslims who may also but be agents of this kind of Islam – who knows.
The radical Muslims that want to turn Britain into an Islamic theocracy with Sharia Law should be told in the same uncertain terms as the former Australian Prime Minister told the Muslims in that country, namely that no one asked them to live here, in a predominately Christian country and if it does not suit them they are free to leave to countries that are governed by Sharia Law. No one is stopping them from doing so. However, while they are in this country and while they have the right to follow their religion – to an extent, and this country has already gone too far in accommodating them – they do not have the right never to be offended.
If they have a problem with Christmas or such like then that is their problem and, as said, they are free to leave. If they wish to advocate a violent overthrow of the countries of the West then I am sure we can find an answer to that and that is to be shot on sight.
Terrorism is not fought by pandering to their followers; it can only be overcome by getting rid of the cancer. The very safety and security of this country and our civilization is at stake.,
The safety and the security of the British Realm was not under threat from Mr. Wilders comin g to the U but by the very acts of stopping him entering the country and allowing him to make his point against Islamo-Fascism.
This kind of world view as espoused by those Muslim hate-mongers in the garb of Mullahs and Imams is nothing but another form of Fascism and as dangerous as was that of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini and Mosley, or the imperialism of Japan in the 1940s. In those days the countries rose up and fought against the onslaught. Nowadays everyone seems afraid and wants, yet again, appeasement, in the same way as before the Nazis began their real sweep across Europe, which nearly caused the fall of Britain too.
If we do not stand up to the threat and are prepared to combat it with the same resolute spirit that John Howard of Australia portrayed when he told those people where to get off then we will be made to regret that soon when we find ourselves all of a sudden under Islamic rule, by the back door, and before that totally paralyzed by fear of possibly offending the Muslim minority in this country.
No one ever worries about offending the Romani minority, for instance, and all told their might be more people of Romani-Gypsy descent in Britain than there are Muslims. But dare anyone mention anything against Islam and the Koran. Twenty years ago things were different when Salman Rushdie was wrote the “Satanic Verses” and received round the clock protection and all that. Freedom of speech they said then. How things have changed.
As I said before, the safety and security of our society and of each and every one is at stake here and our freedoms.
© M Smith (Veshengro), February 2009
Cellcrypt secures voice communications on Windows Mobile devices
Cellcrypt Ltd, a leading supplier of voice security solutions, today announced the release of Cellcrypt Mobile™ v4.0 that provides end-to-end voice encryption on Nokia Smartphones and, for the first time, on a range of Windows Mobile devices.
“It is common for organisations and individuals to protect their valuable computer data using encryption technologies; but by and large sensitive voice conversations are only lightly protected and vulnerable to eavesdropping,” says Lauri Monroy, Product Manager at Cellcrypt.
“Use of Cellcrypt Mobile provides the confidence that phone calls, whether in the mobile or office environment, at home or overseas, within or between departments and with partners, suppliers and friends, are all protected end-to-end. The addition of Windows Mobile to Cellcrypt’s list of supported operating systems allows customers far more flexibility in their choice of existing and new handsets,” adds Monroy.
Cellcrypt Mobile 4.0 delivers a radical change in the way sensitive conversations are protected on mobile phones, ensuring you can talk in complete confidence wherever you are on the latest commercially available handsets. Cellcrypt Mobile is a next generation software solution that is easy to download and run on standard mobile phones and uses Voice over IP (VOIP) to deliver secure phone calls with unparalleled voice quality, low voice delays (latency), global coverage and international call capability across 3G or GPRS mobile networks and Wifi.
Cellcrypt uses the same well established and trusted, encryption technologies to protect voice communications that are used to protect laptops, corporate data and internet banking transactions.
Cellcrypt is starting certification to the FIPS 140-2 standard approved by the US National Institute of Standard (NIST) and is currently being evaluated for the UK government CCT Mark.
Cellcrypt Ltd is a leader in personal integrity and encryption solutions for voice communications. Cellcrypt’s secure VOIP technologies address the need of enterprises and governments for easy to manage yet robust, privacy and voice encryption. Cellcrypt’s solutions are being used, by board level executives, in some of the world’s largest and best known organizations.
Cellcrypt’s software solutions secures voice calls from cell phones and PBXs, using RSA 2048 bit and AES 256 bit encryption, without degradation of call quality or affecting user experience and currently supports VoIP over GPRS, EDGE, 3G, EV-DO and WiFi. Cellcrypt Ltd is a privately held company based in London, UK. For more information please visit:
Source: PRPR
“It is common for organisations and individuals to protect their valuable computer data using encryption technologies; but by and large sensitive voice conversations are only lightly protected and vulnerable to eavesdropping,” says Lauri Monroy, Product Manager at Cellcrypt.
“Use of Cellcrypt Mobile provides the confidence that phone calls, whether in the mobile or office environment, at home or overseas, within or between departments and with partners, suppliers and friends, are all protected end-to-end. The addition of Windows Mobile to Cellcrypt’s list of supported operating systems allows customers far more flexibility in their choice of existing and new handsets,” adds Monroy.
Cellcrypt Mobile 4.0 delivers a radical change in the way sensitive conversations are protected on mobile phones, ensuring you can talk in complete confidence wherever you are on the latest commercially available handsets. Cellcrypt Mobile is a next generation software solution that is easy to download and run on standard mobile phones and uses Voice over IP (VOIP) to deliver secure phone calls with unparalleled voice quality, low voice delays (latency), global coverage and international call capability across 3G or GPRS mobile networks and Wifi.
Cellcrypt uses the same well established and trusted, encryption technologies to protect voice communications that are used to protect laptops, corporate data and internet banking transactions.
Cellcrypt is starting certification to the FIPS 140-2 standard approved by the US National Institute of Standard (NIST) and is currently being evaluated for the UK government CCT Mark.
Cellcrypt Ltd is a leader in personal integrity and encryption solutions for voice communications. Cellcrypt’s secure VOIP technologies address the need of enterprises and governments for easy to manage yet robust, privacy and voice encryption. Cellcrypt’s solutions are being used, by board level executives, in some of the world’s largest and best known organizations.
Cellcrypt’s software solutions secures voice calls from cell phones and PBXs, using RSA 2048 bit and AES 256 bit encryption, without degradation of call quality or affecting user experience and currently supports VoIP over GPRS, EDGE, 3G, EV-DO and WiFi. Cellcrypt Ltd is a privately held company based in London, UK. For more information please visit:
Source: PRPR
Portendo launches P.Eye explosives detector at Counter Terror Expo ’09 in London

Airports, power plants and other potential civilian targets experience an ever increasing terrorist threat, creating a high demand for systems like the Portendo P.Eye, says Peter Strömbeck, VP Product Management at Portendo.
When integrated with existing perimeter protection, the unit offers a powerful security solution for public buildings and other exposed civilian targets. Mounted on a military vehicle, the P.Eye becomes a mobile detection unit capable of identifying potential threats in the surrounding area.
The P.Eye represents the first commercial product with standoff threat detection technology of this kind, which means that there’s a substantial market potential, says Peter Strömbeck. Its versatility together with the accurate long distance readings makes the P.Eye an effective security solution for counter-terrorism.
The P.Eye has been developed in co-operation with the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). Its technology is based on Raman spectroscopy, which provides a molecular signature of hazardous agents enabling immediate long-range detection and identification of explosives. The first P.Eye prototype has been delivered to BAE Systems Bofors, the world’s third largest defence company, for test integration in weapons and sensor platforms. The P.Eye Pre-series, available today, offers clients a chance to experience the capability and potential of a custom-made unit solution.
The P.Eye will be on display at Portendo’s stand C76 during both days of the Counter Terror Expo. Daniel Svensson, Portendo’s VP of Marketing, will give a speech on Standoff Explosives Detection to Counter the Terror Threat on Tuesday the 10th of February in connection with the Counter Terror Expo.
Portendo develops and markets threat detection equipment for homeland security, military and commercial security industries. Portendo’s patent-pending technology can increase safety and operational capability in high-risk environments by providing quick and reliable detection of explosives, warfare agents and hazardous chemicals. The technology has been developed in collaboration with several high-ranking research institutes and has produced world-leading results. The company is privately owned and was founded in 2005. Visit for more information.
Independence from gas and oil imports
by Michael Smith
As we have spoken about in the article as to Russia and its gas the western developed nations – the UK, the EU, etc., must become – largely – independent from foreign gas and oil to safeguard our countries' infrastructure.
This can, I think, be done but it will require a new way of thinking and especially the political will to do so. For starters we must get away from gas for heating and cooking and electricity generation, at least too a large extent.
The biggest problem is the political will. The latter always seems to be missing, it seem, for it is the large petrochemical companies that seem to hold sway somewhere and somehow in all the developed nations and it is very much also that governments are worried about the revenue they lose from the taxes on the oil and gas if a switch would be made.
In Britain, and other countries, it would appear that the people themselves are beginning to vote with their feet ;as far as heating is concerned for sure.
Presently those that can, it would appear, in the British Isles are rediscovering the wood-burning stove, at least for heating. The cook stoves that can use wood, nowadays, are mostly of the expensive AGA and Rayburn – now one and the same company anyway – which are well out of the financial reach of most ordinary people, and are also far too heavy for the floors of many homes.
The demand for wood for burning in stoves and fireplaces in Britain int his current financial, economic crisis and that of gas supply from the Russian Federation, way outstrips supplies and, as we have learned, wood sellers go to great length, even to the countries of Eastern Europe, in order to bring in wood. This also now pushed the price of firewood up a tremendous level.
Other means of independence from oil and natural gas and petroleum-based gas are available and also possible, but again as far as the nations are concerned at a government level, local and central, the political will is missing again.
There is, aside from the use of wood for heating homes, also the possibility to use timber, and here especially the waste lumber from the building industry to run power stations and combined heat & power plants (CHPs).
Then there is the possibility to use waste incineration as a source for to run CHP facilities though I am well aware of the fact how often that idea runs foul of the NIMBYs and also – strangely enough – the likes of Friends of the Earth, who will come out ranting and waving arms that we must recycle all rubbish and not burn it. Shame that they have not understood that there will always be some rubbish left over that cannot be recycled and it would be, in my opinion, much better to burn that and use it to power the nation rather than to tip it into holes in the ground, the latter of which we are running out of rapidly anyway.
Gas from waste is another way and means and then there is the humble methane gas that is released from landfills and from sewerage works. That too could be used for heating and cooking but, ideally, for the running of electricity generating plants.
I say the latter simply because methane gas happens to be a bit on the explosive side and even though it is used in many countries on farms and homesteads for heating and cooking it might not be the best idea to pipe it through towns and cities and have it used by people who might just be a little careless.
We must not forget that the first electricity power stations were not run on oil of the petroleum kind but on methane gas in fact. Mind you, the same is true for the first motorcars of the Ford “Tin Lizzy” variety. It was not until gasoline became cheaply available that the car was changed.
But back to the subject in hand, namely that of national independence from imported oil and gas.
We can no longer afford the luxury of oil and gas being brought in from far away, especially not from areas over which politics we have no control, whether this be the Russian Federation or the Ukraine or the seaways from the Persian Gulf to the West.
Our countries must look at ways to become if not self-sufficient than some way self-reliant as regards to oil and gas imports.
While I can suggest that we must do this I, as an ordinary writer, cannot, obviously, come up with all the possible suggestions as to how this may be done, but doing it we must.
© M Smith (Veshengro), January 2009
As we have spoken about in the article as to Russia and its gas the western developed nations – the UK, the EU, etc., must become – largely – independent from foreign gas and oil to safeguard our countries' infrastructure.
This can, I think, be done but it will require a new way of thinking and especially the political will to do so. For starters we must get away from gas for heating and cooking and electricity generation, at least too a large extent.
The biggest problem is the political will. The latter always seems to be missing, it seem, for it is the large petrochemical companies that seem to hold sway somewhere and somehow in all the developed nations and it is very much also that governments are worried about the revenue they lose from the taxes on the oil and gas if a switch would be made.
In Britain, and other countries, it would appear that the people themselves are beginning to vote with their feet ;as far as heating is concerned for sure.
Presently those that can, it would appear, in the British Isles are rediscovering the wood-burning stove, at least for heating. The cook stoves that can use wood, nowadays, are mostly of the expensive AGA and Rayburn – now one and the same company anyway – which are well out of the financial reach of most ordinary people, and are also far too heavy for the floors of many homes.
The demand for wood for burning in stoves and fireplaces in Britain int his current financial, economic crisis and that of gas supply from the Russian Federation, way outstrips supplies and, as we have learned, wood sellers go to great length, even to the countries of Eastern Europe, in order to bring in wood. This also now pushed the price of firewood up a tremendous level.
Other means of independence from oil and natural gas and petroleum-based gas are available and also possible, but again as far as the nations are concerned at a government level, local and central, the political will is missing again.
There is, aside from the use of wood for heating homes, also the possibility to use timber, and here especially the waste lumber from the building industry to run power stations and combined heat & power plants (CHPs).
Then there is the possibility to use waste incineration as a source for to run CHP facilities though I am well aware of the fact how often that idea runs foul of the NIMBYs and also – strangely enough – the likes of Friends of the Earth, who will come out ranting and waving arms that we must recycle all rubbish and not burn it. Shame that they have not understood that there will always be some rubbish left over that cannot be recycled and it would be, in my opinion, much better to burn that and use it to power the nation rather than to tip it into holes in the ground, the latter of which we are running out of rapidly anyway.
Gas from waste is another way and means and then there is the humble methane gas that is released from landfills and from sewerage works. That too could be used for heating and cooking but, ideally, for the running of electricity generating plants.
I say the latter simply because methane gas happens to be a bit on the explosive side and even though it is used in many countries on farms and homesteads for heating and cooking it might not be the best idea to pipe it through towns and cities and have it used by people who might just be a little careless.
We must not forget that the first electricity power stations were not run on oil of the petroleum kind but on methane gas in fact. Mind you, the same is true for the first motorcars of the Ford “Tin Lizzy” variety. It was not until gasoline became cheaply available that the car was changed.
But back to the subject in hand, namely that of national independence from imported oil and gas.
We can no longer afford the luxury of oil and gas being brought in from far away, especially not from areas over which politics we have no control, whether this be the Russian Federation or the Ukraine or the seaways from the Persian Gulf to the West.
Our countries must look at ways to become if not self-sufficient than some way self-reliant as regards to oil and gas imports.
While I can suggest that we must do this I, as an ordinary writer, cannot, obviously, come up with all the possible suggestions as to how this may be done, but doing it we must.
© M Smith (Veshengro), January 2009
GETAC to showcase specialist rugged mobile computer solutions at Counter Terror Expo 2009
Telford, England, 27th January 2009 – GETAC, specialist rugged mobile computer manufacturer, will be showcasing its innovative range of rugged mobile computing solutions at Counter Terror Expo, the exhibition that brings together the major international organisations involved in countering the threat across the globe.
Thanks to its vast experience and knowledge of the rugged market, GETAC’s latest specialist solutions are prepared to deal with urgent and vital tasks often associated with tackling international terrorism by offering the very best in reliability, communications, extended battery life, security, ruggedness and mobility.
Ultra-durable and ultra-reliable, the award winning GETAC B300 fully rugged notebook is an ideal computing solution for a vast array of applications including, for example, bomb disposal units where equipment is often exposed to all the elements. MIL STD 810F certified and IP 54 rated, the B300 is designed to survive the toughest of environments and weather conditions, and thanks to its extensive 12 hour battery life, can be relied upon when urgent tasks need to be performed.
The B300 features sunlight readable technology of 1200cd/msq brightness, ensuring screen visibility in bright outdoor conditions. It is also the first ever rugged notebook with ‘Night Vision’ mode meaning the screen can be seen when wearing night vision goggles as well as a Black-Out mode whereby users can easily turn off all lights to avoid being conspicuous in darkened conditions and exposing a current location.
Also on display will be GETAC’s V100 fully-rugged, ultra-light hybrid Notebook/Tablet PC, an ideal solution for security customers, government agencies, and for vital tasks such as surveillance operations. Truly mobile, the V100 boasts a compact design and weighs in at a mere 2.2Kg. It also features a sunlight readable display and full communications capability (Bluetooth, 802.11a/b/g, GPRS and 3G).
The V100’s 180° rotatable screen, which instantly transforms the V100 from a notebook into a Tablet PC, makes it a flexible mobile or static tool, whilst an optional docking station transforms the V100 into a convenient in-vehicle solution. As with all GETAC rugged computing solutions, the V100 is MIL-STD 810F and IP54 compliant making it capable of withstanding heavy rain and spillages and is immune to damage from airborne dust and debris.
Commenting on GETAC’s attendance at Counter Terror Expo, Julian Willis, UK Sales Manager of GETAC said, “The security sector is one of the most important markets for GETAC and one that we have been manufacturing solutions for, for almost 20 years. We would like to invite everyone to our stand to see our latest solutions for the counter terrorism arena.”
GETAC will be located on Stand F2 at The Counter Terror Expo 09, QE11 Conference Centre, London, 10th-11th February 2009. For further information on GETAC’s extensive rugged portfolio, which includes; Hand Held devices, Notebooks, Tablet PCs and more please visit
GETAC, a subsidiary company of MiTAC Technology Corporation, has been a pioneer in the rugged mobile computing industry by providing premier fully rugged and rugged notebook, tablet PC and handheld solutions for the military, law enforcement, public safety, utility, telecommunication, manufacturing, field service and mobile workforce industries. GETAC is backed by the technological, customized product design and manufacturing resources from MiTAC Technology Corporation. The rugged computers are strictly controlled and monitored from the design, manufacture, quality assurance to service flows, making GETAC an industry known rugged computer provider. For more information, please go to GETAC Inc. official website
MiTAC Technology Corporation, founded in 1989, manufactures mainstream consumer notebooks and specialist rugged notebooks by utilizing its highly developed competences in hardware, software, mechanical and assembly. It merged with MiTAC Precision Technology Corporation in August 2007. The new entity now possess over 2000 specialized engineers in research and development, tooling and quality assurance and its primary business focus also includes “Design to Module” business, which offers total mechanical solutions to the customers, from mock-up, tooling design, stamping, injection, coating, printing, etching, sputtering, laser marking, to final assembly. For more information, please go to the official MiTAC Technology website or MiTAC Precision Technology website
Source: The PR Room
Thanks to its vast experience and knowledge of the rugged market, GETAC’s latest specialist solutions are prepared to deal with urgent and vital tasks often associated with tackling international terrorism by offering the very best in reliability, communications, extended battery life, security, ruggedness and mobility.
Ultra-durable and ultra-reliable, the award winning GETAC B300 fully rugged notebook is an ideal computing solution for a vast array of applications including, for example, bomb disposal units where equipment is often exposed to all the elements. MIL STD 810F certified and IP 54 rated, the B300 is designed to survive the toughest of environments and weather conditions, and thanks to its extensive 12 hour battery life, can be relied upon when urgent tasks need to be performed.
The B300 features sunlight readable technology of 1200cd/msq brightness, ensuring screen visibility in bright outdoor conditions. It is also the first ever rugged notebook with ‘Night Vision’ mode meaning the screen can be seen when wearing night vision goggles as well as a Black-Out mode whereby users can easily turn off all lights to avoid being conspicuous in darkened conditions and exposing a current location.
Also on display will be GETAC’s V100 fully-rugged, ultra-light hybrid Notebook/Tablet PC, an ideal solution for security customers, government agencies, and for vital tasks such as surveillance operations. Truly mobile, the V100 boasts a compact design and weighs in at a mere 2.2Kg. It also features a sunlight readable display and full communications capability (Bluetooth, 802.11a/b/g, GPRS and 3G).
The V100’s 180° rotatable screen, which instantly transforms the V100 from a notebook into a Tablet PC, makes it a flexible mobile or static tool, whilst an optional docking station transforms the V100 into a convenient in-vehicle solution. As with all GETAC rugged computing solutions, the V100 is MIL-STD 810F and IP54 compliant making it capable of withstanding heavy rain and spillages and is immune to damage from airborne dust and debris.
Commenting on GETAC’s attendance at Counter Terror Expo, Julian Willis, UK Sales Manager of GETAC said, “The security sector is one of the most important markets for GETAC and one that we have been manufacturing solutions for, for almost 20 years. We would like to invite everyone to our stand to see our latest solutions for the counter terrorism arena.”
GETAC will be located on Stand F2 at The Counter Terror Expo 09, QE11 Conference Centre, London, 10th-11th February 2009. For further information on GETAC’s extensive rugged portfolio, which includes; Hand Held devices, Notebooks, Tablet PCs and more please visit
GETAC, a subsidiary company of MiTAC Technology Corporation, has been a pioneer in the rugged mobile computing industry by providing premier fully rugged and rugged notebook, tablet PC and handheld solutions for the military, law enforcement, public safety, utility, telecommunication, manufacturing, field service and mobile workforce industries. GETAC is backed by the technological, customized product design and manufacturing resources from MiTAC Technology Corporation. The rugged computers are strictly controlled and monitored from the design, manufacture, quality assurance to service flows, making GETAC an industry known rugged computer provider. For more information, please go to GETAC Inc. official website
MiTAC Technology Corporation, founded in 1989, manufactures mainstream consumer notebooks and specialist rugged notebooks by utilizing its highly developed competences in hardware, software, mechanical and assembly. It merged with MiTAC Precision Technology Corporation in August 2007. The new entity now possess over 2000 specialized engineers in research and development, tooling and quality assurance and its primary business focus also includes “Design to Module” business, which offers total mechanical solutions to the customers, from mock-up, tooling design, stamping, injection, coating, printing, etching, sputtering, laser marking, to final assembly. For more information, please go to the official MiTAC Technology website or MiTAC Precision Technology website
Source: The PR Room
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